Entrata Double Decker Bus

Entrata's ActiveFloor System is featured inside a renovated Double Decker Bus that has been transformed into an awesome collaborative work space for Entrata employees. BrightLogic collaborated with Cre8play to install the ActiveFloor into the upper level of the bus. Along with an ActiveFloor System, this Bus features a ton of other creative goodies such as a backdoor slide, a custom bubble wall, a Playstation Console with wireless headsets, controllers and the latest games, and a swanky interior to settle into and get inspired!
Want to learn more about this project or what an ActiveFloor System can do for you? Contact us for more information!
System Sizes
4 x 5 panels
2 x 2.5 m
6.56 x 8.2 ft
System Setup
Permanent Installation
Entrata Headquarters
Lehi, Utah